Thanks for listening and the encouragement. Still a novice at this recording lark so thanks to everyone on the pg forums for pointing me in the right direction, feel free to point out how I may inprove any stuff I post.

I have biab 2011 ultra pak but felt that just a guitar playing on this song would do ok. I recorded in cubase though could have used realband. I used the toontrack ezmix plugin on both the guitar and vocal. Its a great all in one plugin and thanks to Skyline for mentioning it in one of the forums last year. I just put ozone 4 mastering software in the stereo out and picked one of its presets seems to have lifted the song a bit. Fot the video I used Muvee autoproducer just load the pics and it does everything automatically, probably spent only 5 mins on it.

The inspiration I got for this song was wondering if famous people who meet an timely end would have given it all up to live an ordinary "nowhere man" life if they could have had an inkling of what was to come.
Lennon was a great songwriter and entertainer but some of the things he did like posing nude and the bedin make me wonder did he do it for publicity purposes or he felt he was contributing to peace and art.

I guess we will never know now.

thanks again



My music

Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2024, Cubase 13, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use smile