Your Very Welcome tributeman, and Good Luck no matter which way ya go!


I typically find that buying pieces parts and assembling runs me about 30% more than buying a name brand computer. And when you factor in that if you order your case from here, your mobo from there, your RAM from the other... you are paying $100 in shipping.

That is why I have built all of ours from the kits from either Tiger Direct, New Egg, or Geek's. You can save a lot over the individual prices, including shipping. But like you mention, there is no support except for your knowledge of the system & it's parts.

There were a few reasons I went with the kit that had the ASRock MB for the studio

2 PCIx + 3 reg PCI clots

Could handle AMD 6 core CPU's up to 140watts

Could handle 16GB of DDR3 1600

Solid-state VRM

And as a side note, I have an old Dell P3 700MHz system with 768mb of memory and a huge 64mb AGP graphic card that is still going strong & playing all my old DOS & Win98 games just fine, I just can't kill this thing!

i5 3.20GHz, 32gb RAM, 1tb SSD OS, 12tb HDD, 4gb gForce vid card, 32" monitor, Audient id44, Win10 x64, BiaB/RB 2023, Reaper 6,IK Multimedia Total Studio 3.5 MAX, Waves 10