Being in a brass band has its moments. We were to do a joint concert with a youth swing band. We were playing around fifteen pieces, some quite long, but I think perhaps seven in the first half and eight in the second.
We sat at the back of the hall while the junior swing band played, then with the ultimate of decorum moved forward to the back stage door, and under a pre arranged order we each went to our seats. The stands had been set up with the sheet music for each player, so all we had to do was sit down, pick up our instrument, check the first piece was the right one and wait for the conductor and his baton.
Unfortunately, as I sat down, my foot caught the leg of the stand, over it tipped and fifteen sheets of paper music sailed off in all directions. I got some murderous looks from the rest of the band and conductor, as those sheets were hurriedly collected and passed back, no longer in the correct order either of course. I guess I was as red as a traffic light on stop.
Fortunately, I quickly found the first piece and then managed to sort the rest out while the baton waver described the next piece.
Strangely enough the rest of the set went well and was possibly one of the best concerts I have played in.