I have to share your position on the points you made. It was good that you pointed out these issues such as the Real tracks not looking at the phrases as a whole but in chunks even so much as lose its musical bearings as it hits off notes and the like as well as the screen refresh issues like when you are changing repeats and the like. I get disoriented because once the repeat is added the entire chord window changes.

Like you, I agree that this is a very good product. And I endorse it to any of my students that have gotten to the level where i feel they can navigate it. However, like you said, it would be wise to do a cleanup to make the UI more manageable. There needs to be consideration given to making the UI more user friendly. And sometimes less is more in most instances. I do like what MS has done with the Ribbon concept. It is one way to make options available in categories and yet, remove much of what I call "screen noise" in that of blinding arrays of buttons and text.

However, I do like the roll over offering definitions and examples of the button or option you are considering using. That is a very intuitive feature and has helped me a lot.

And yes, I too, would love to see tracks go into the Funk, and more selections for Latin outside of the jazz options. I agree that as I am pitching this to a younger audience it would be wise for the developers to consider in order to sustain over time they are going to need to consider the genres that pique their interests too. There will come a time where my interests in jazz and rock will take a back seat to another hybrid of styles.

It looks like I will need to continue waiting before my next upgrade as these issues have not been addressed in the current version. Bummer.