I backed off on the USB 2 spec since the most I will ever use for now is two channels in or out. If/when that changes I will get another interface. (That will mean that the thing has paid for itself and it makes sense to do so.)

There is a sticker on the box saying "Now Ready for Windows 7". The box itself reads exactly as you describe it, so I am assuming that Roland has created drivers for it relatively recently.

The reference to Atlanta Pro Audio in my previous post is a link. I highly recommend that serious audio hounds check them out. They are THE go-to guys in Atlanta for small studios and performance artists. I was actually surprised that they had something in my price range. They had a few interfaces for around $250, then it was $500 and up. WAY up.

One of many reasons I love doing business with them is that they treat you the same whether you're spending $100 or $100,000. I left the store with more information than I went in with and a couple of potentially valuable contacts.

"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."