An open letter to PGMUSIC derived mostly from titles of the 1970 Billboard top 100 songs

Dear PGMusic,

"ALL RIGHT NOW"... "ARE YOU READY" to ship 2012.5 yet? I have shed "96 TEARS" waiting for this... and I must say, there "AINT NO MOUNTAIN HIGH ENOUGH" to keep me away from this new version. In the past I received "THE LETTER" announcing new versions... but I'm too impatient to wait for snail mail, so... "GIMME DAT DING"!! "CALL ME" and I'll "COME AND GET IT" so I can say "EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL"!

But... all this ranting... "IT'S ONLY MAKE BELIEVE"... yet "I JUST CAN'T HELP BELIEVING" that "ITS A SHAME" to take this long to release what I consider to be a "BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER". I need this distraction to ease the "FIRE AND RAIN" of life's problems.

You may be thinking "GIVE ME JUST A LITTLE MORE TIME" or "I'LL BE THERE"
later "IN THE SUMMERTIME" with a rock-solid version that requires no "PATCHES"

But, please "WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES". I'm in a "TRAVELIN BAND" and I need this software now. I have "NO TIME" to spend waiting. So Here I sit, camped out in the parking lot. "MAMA TOLD ME NOT TO COME", but I replied "LOOK WHAT THEY'VE DONE TO MY SONG, MA!" They're holding over 50 new features and 101 new real tracks that might be the "VEHICLE" of my musical success!

Others are gathering here in the parking lot with me, "HITCHING A RIDE" on my protest. "WE'VE ONLY JUST BEGUN" to make our voices heard. "UNITED WE STAND".

But, having said all that, If 2012.5 ships today, it will "MAKE ME SMILE"


A devoted customer.

PS, don't look behind the porta-dumpster in the parking lot. You won't like what you'll find there.
