Reading the Beatles history and listening to their three Anthologies where past or early versions of their songs were recorded, they used whatever worked. One song that comes to mind was Harrison's While My Guitar Gently Weeps. This song was submitted to the group as an acoustic ballad with three verses.
The final details were worked out in the recording studio.
Fascinating listening to the evolution of some of these songs.

Collaboration is what it is. Often I write a full tune and send it to an old singing buddy for his opinion - if he favours lyric changes or structure changes, I'll consider them . . . . quick changes using BIAB is great . . . and if I use them it is a collab.

But if someone suggests I add a bridge - and I do all of the work - then that isn't a collab.

Everyone sees it differently. Best just shake your head, steer clear and move on.

I'm curious to know what Noel will have to say, and Sundance and Robert.


My "Original Tunes" Site
My gene pool needs more chlorine.