Yes John, I'd probably go with a Mac but I have so much invested in Windows software like Photoshop that it just wouldn't be affordable.

Used a Mac when I worked for a company about 17 yrs ago but switched to PC when I went freelance because my main client used the CorelDraw program which was only PC at the time.

Usually once you are in a program, except for a few different key strokes or names (Command vs Control key), it's all the same whether it's Mac or Win based.

I know Mac's can emulate Windows with the Boot Camp program but can't imagine emulation could be as fast as the real thing plus the Macs usually cost more for the same specs.

Also the BIAB Mac version isn't as full featured.

Maybe will hear from others who have used Macs PC emulation mode and how good or bad it is?


P.S. Allows enjoy your humor even when it goes "where no man has gone before" !:)