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Eddie, just for the heck of it because I'm bored this afternoon, I just googled the music scene in the Cleveland area. There's tons of stuff going on, The Brothers Lounge, The Grog Shop, Peabody's, Nighttown and a lot more. I'm almost jealous because there's a lot more live places in and around Cleveland than I see here in LA. I also found a site that lists all the bands playing in these places and I even looked a few of them up and listened to a few tunes. Told ya I was bored. None of it is anything I think you would like to play. Why? Because you, me and most of us here have been out of it too long. The scene has moved on from us. First you would have to really work to try to get a gig with any of these acts and because of the generational age difference you probably wouldn't fit in. We're turning into our parents, man. They were big band people, they had absolutely no interest in the music you and I know and love so they completely blew off all those clubs we're so fond of from 30 years ago. The Stones or Santana didn't sound much like Glen Miller did they? Well, what's happening in your area now doesn't sound much like what you're used to either but make no mistake about it, there's a lot happening.

My point isn't to make you feel bad, because I mostly agree with you, it's just the type of stuff that sells now is not our stuff any more. Believe me none of these acts or certainly very few of them are playing Jimmy Buffet. I saw the Facebook page for one that talks about some classic R&B along with punk and techno. Sounds like an interesting act. If you really want to start gigging again, you have to get younger and hipper. All I'm saying is for you to say the music scene is dead around there is completely wrong. All you're really saying is there's nothing that you are interested in. If you don't believe me, check this website out:


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You are right about one thing for sure, Bob. The scene WE knew in the 80s is dead and gone.

We used to have clubs here known as Spanky's east and west, Cyrus Erie, Hullabaloo, The Corral, The Stables, The Plato, farther back was The Cat's Meow, Leo's Casino.... the Cleveland Agora when it was really "The Agora" (The Agora now is a converted movie theater.), another in Akron, another in Youngstown.

Those were music clubs. BIG rooms that were meant for music. Those are all gone. What we have now is restaurants and a handful of bars who also serve food but only in the sense of true bar food. Those restaurants are really rough to play for because they want to turn that table ONE last time and in most cases you can't get in to set up until 7, and god forbid if you start one minute later than 9pm sharp.

There are some places that are mainly music rooms but very few. 1/2 are in the neighborhood bar class that are okay to play in but it's still a bar gig. Now, that being said, if you are after bar gigs, there's your rooms right there. For the bands that don't care to try writing anything original, and that isn't me but I do not disrespect those who choose to go that path, there are places to play that will at least make it worth your effort.

We have a web page here that lists the entertainment calendar. To look at the list it looks like a LOT of opportunity. Until you apply the local knowledge. For privacy I won't print the list but to look at at, I immediately see 22 of the bands listed as being made up of people in other bands who I can tell you do not rehearse at all with the lineup that will be playing. That will be a whole night of Stones, Skynard..... easy 3 chord stuff that can be stretched with long solos so they can get away with less songs per night by making them last 8 minutes each.

Then you have the folkie scene. Some decent places to play as far as who goes there, but bands in that genre may draw 40 people on a good night. The Barking Spider is the best example of that. No cover and they pass a bucket to pay the bands.

The ones you mentioned I will mention one at a time, Brothers is a nice room. The main room has a great house sound system. They get the better cover bands. It's in a good area as far as being fairly sure your car will be there when you leave. They also have a wine bar side which is quieter, piano/guitar solos and duos. They also house a songwriter night on Wednesdays where they have 10 people in to do 3 songs each. Very popular.

Nighttown is a more sophisticated kind of room. They will have light jazz acts in there and singers that either come in with a trio or canned music and do Broadway show tune type of music. It IS a restaurant but they serve some of the best food in town.

The Grog Shop is the carcass of a Brown Derby restaurant and they have more avante gard kind of acts in there. More alternative kinds of bands in there than anywhere else. It is in an area of town known as Coventry, a strip of very eclectic shops and restaurants.

Peabody's used to be a prime time room. 2nd tier national acts and better local jazz and offbeat bands played there.

There used to be an area here known as The Flats. There was an east bank and a west bank, one on each side of the Cuyahoga River. The east bank was the happening side, and I played for years all up and down that east bank. Then hip hop came in, the inner city trash took it over, and many armed robberies and shootings later they finally tore the whole strip down. It is in the middle of a huge renovation project that will likely hit a billion bucks when it's all done, laying heavily on gambling recently becoming legal in Ohio. A Casino opened downtown a couple of months ago, and as the eats bank rebuilds they will be looking to attract a higher class of establishment, I guarantee you with a HIGH level of police attention to keep the riff raff out. Toby Keith is putting a 20,000 sq ft club there. 4 other entertainment venues, 3 BIG name restaurants, a huge office building, loft apartments.... Toby Keith was key because we have a huge country following here and the top radio station is country, but there is no place of any quality to go hear country music on a day to day level. Big acts come in to the concert venues, but local country bands are stuck in small places in seedy parts of town. There is Mustang Salli's out in the burbs, and The Dusty Armadillo, even further in the burbs. Nice big places for country bands, but nothing downtown. Country bands usually get stuck in the VFW and Eagles clubs playing for $250. For 5 guys.

We have a GREAT concert scene as far as national acts goes. A 20,000 seat venue downtown where the Cavs also play, Blossom Music Center, an outdoor venue 30 miles south of Cleveland, 2 outdoor stages downtown... it's just the scene for the local level player that has gone downhill. There is one decent place to do small hall concerts on the west side (Winchester) one east (Beachland Ballroom - but make sure you have an armed guard when you load out. Gear gets stolen there EVERY weekend.), and one south in Akron, The Civic Theater.

There IS a scene here, but it is WAY too wrapped around jam night. There are 3-4 jam nights every week. I just have a MAJOR attitude about giving music to bars for free. And them complaining when there are no paying gigs. There would be probably 25% more gigs in town if the wannabes would quit giving it away on jam night.

You hit the major issue. I am old. What I liked at 21 and 31, even 41 when I was playing Motown, I don't like at 61. My time is long since past. A young girl at my job was telling me about some festival she went to. She listed the names off her program. I did not know ONE band name. My iPod? Beatles, Beach Boys, Rundgren, Police, EW&F, AWB, Steinman/Meatloaf, Hall & Oates, Huey Lewis, Springsteen, Southside, Talking Heads.... I like what I know and I know what I like.

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There’s a genre of music of live music that’s actually growing in the US of A.

It doesn’t happen at the local bars. Nor at the civic center. But it does sometimes happen at the local churches or high school gyms, ... and very frequently at homes.

It happens at festivals all across the country in the late spring through early fall. It’s old, … it’s “traditional”, it has “covers”, songs that are WAY past the copyright, and it has tons of NEW tunes.

It’s a mix of acoustic country, blues, western swing, Irish, jazz and folk.

It’s called “Bluegrass”. It’s also a lot of fun.

FWIW, the listeners are generally VERY attentive.

Bluegrass fans don't show up for the "ambiance" or something they can talk over while they eat hor d'oeuvres, ... they show up for the MUSIC! LOL.

They're a musician's dream as far as an audience is concerned.

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I am starting to understand, it is not music which is disappearing - it is us!

And on that somber note, I probably will need to send a royalty check to Dylan Thomas for posting the following:

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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There’s a genre of music of live music that’s actually growing in the US of A.

(snip)It’s called “Bluegrass”. It’s also a lot of fun.

Funny you should say that, Bob. Around here bluegrass is everywhere. I went to a McDonald's a week ago, and there was a bluegrass band playing in the corner.

I went to a BBQ restaurant and they also had a bluegrass band playing a couple of nights per week.

In both cases, many of the customers were clearly there specifically because of the music. On the down side, bluegrass doesn't help me find venues for backing tracks made with BIAB, since this crowd is notoriously resistant to any form of music that requires electricity.

Update: I just called the BBQ restaurant. Somebody shut them down (musically) for a licensing infraction. So I guess not even Bluegrass is immune to the disease


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I love that poem and read it often.

Many choose to just ease off into the sunset. I am going out kicking and screaming.

I lived my life in a cantankerous manner. I will die the same way!

It has been reported, though I can't confirm, that at my birth, when the doctor slapped my butt to wake me up I turned around and hit him back. Kids usually say mama or dada as their first word. I would have to guess mine was probably "&^%$&^ YOU!!", likely directed to my sister, who I have not liked since the day I was born. And as life went on, dislike has crossed into something more deeply seeded.

So as far as that relates to music, will I accept that it is what it is, but I don't have to like it and I will continue to be vocal and outspoken. I don't associate with people who participate in jam night based on the philosophical perspective to which I espouse about giving clubs music for free. They are supposed to pay professional musicians for their work. I have never been to a jam night and will never attend one. Attending constitutes supporting, and I choose to avoid them. Nobody misses me, my choosing to not attend does not ruin the event, and for the most part it's usually wannabe players who know "those 3 songs" and just want to feel relevant. I will go to songwriter nights on occasion, because at songwriter night I can be pretty sure I won't hear Brown Eyed Girl and Mustang Sally.

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Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but I see a common thread to the replies:

People just don't feel like going to see/listen to unfamiliar people play familiar songs.

They are spoiled by the availability of better than average sound being carried around.

You can trash .mp3 compression as a poorly done rendition of the original recording - but on the other hand, mp3 compression and playback systems have RAISED the quality of playback for the average joe that used to use a transistor AM radio and have given that same guy/girl instant access to the songs they want to hear. Not for the audiophile, of course - though now there are ways to obtain lossless FLAC files for them. Same if you compare to the walkman era of cassette playback which was popular in my youth.

Don't have to wait for it to play on the radio.

If you want it legally, it costs $0.99 and of course if you want it illegally, it costs a whole lot less than that.

Instant, on-demand song of choice by your artist of choice. Yes, it's kind of anti-social. Used to be it was fun and cool to go to a club to hear a band. But now everyone wants to hear it identically to the original, by the original artist, perhaps because that's what they feed their ears.

It's like the complaining about the dearth of album/CD sales. Much of it is because people consume music a la carte. Pick the faves from an album and buy them.

People share playlists now instead of mix tapes.

I tip my hat to you if you were able to make a living playing other people's music. I think that era is likely over.

Also, someone up in the thread stated that my view of home concerts was utopian. Sorry, I'm speaking from personal experience. I have not experienced the drunks in the garage thing. I wouldn't do that either.

But again, the focus is entirely different. It's original music being shared amongst friends and acquaintances. Very little money changes hands. It's for the enjoyment of new art - some of it good, some of it bad. For some reason, I continue to be attracted to new music. I could snap a picture of my CD collection for y'all, and I've got my 70's rock in there, almost nothing but U2 from the 80's, fusion/jazz from the 90's, and more and more new folk rock from time periods after that. I supplement with standards and what I can find at the Goodwill store CD section.

However, lately, I've been absolutely loving what the kids call dubstep, even though what passes for that term today doesn't match it's namesake music. I don't care, it's today's version of synthesizer music with lots of playful and creative use of filter sweeps, stacked synth layers, etc. Makes my brain come to life. Quite a bit of odd-time sequences played over even time signatures. One could even call it experimental, but it's popular.

I enjoy non-denigrating, non-misogynistic, non-boasting rap music. Yes, I call it music. It does exist, and the creativity I recognize in it is rich. Probably my favorite group is Deepspace 5 and all of their associated artists.

I enjoy the heavy funk of Soulive and Niacin and can't wait to see what twist they will bring with the next releases, all using both old (B3) and new (who knows what they use) technology with NEW songs.

I even enjoy the machine-gun rapid fire (one could recognize baroque aspects if they were willing to) musicianship of my son's favorite genre; metalcore. I can't stand the 'growling', but when the guitarist (who usually has a GREAT rock voice) kicks in singing, I can totally dig that stuff. That's one of the formulas of this genre; the 'singer' usually guturally growls lyrics, and the guitarist can usually hold his own with Steve Perry belts out some melody on the chorus. I let one of these bands crash on my living room floor earlier this year - band's name is Righteous Vendetta - look them up to see something entirely different from rap, jazz, folk rock, dubstep, etc.

Back on topic. Something else that I think the public expects from live performance nowadays is a spectacle, not just an audible experience. Whether it's the gold lame jackets with the band with the insane drummer (Rick K. and the Allnighters), or it's the latest Vegas Show On Wheels from U2 or the like, this is what people think is 'live' music.

Again, this is nothing new under the sun however. The definition of what is spectacle changes over time and it seems to get more grandiose and cost more money to produce, but it's spectacle all the same.

For something different, try home concerts of the flavor I speak of. Attend. Pay into the hat. Buy a home-grown CD from the artist. Support the scene you want to see thrive.

I was at the Santa Monica pier and the promenade a couple weeks ago. Talent on the pier was absolutely awful. However, a kid was out in front of the Converse store in the street with a classical guitar plugged into a little amp through a tiny Behringer mixer. Kid had a John Mayer vibe but with a better voice and from what I could tell from the song he was singing, was doing originals. I didn't even listen through one song - saw he was selling self-made CDs for 5 bucks. I gave him a fiver and took one of his CDs. Haven't listened to it yet - I'll report back with his name on whether or not it's any good. Live, he was good.

Back on topic again, sort of. I did hear a cover band a few months ago that was HOT. Insanely good musicians and brought it perhaps better than the original artists; song after song. The band was out of Denver and called "Alive on Arrival". Here's their page/schedule. They were playing at one of the best venues in Colorado Springs (for weddings), the Garden of the Gods club.


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Perhaps the general public is becoming more educated as to their musical tastes due to all the newer technologies such as the internet -- and are demanding more from talent these days.

Let. Us. Pray.


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People just don't feel like going to see/listen to unfamiliar people play familiar songs.

For me it isn't so much that it's cover music but that every band plays the same song list.


Same if you compare to the walkman era of cassette playback which was popular in my youth.

That makes me start thinking that this topic is largely generational. The Walkman was in your youth. I was 30 when it came out.


I tip my hat to you if you were able to make a living playing other people's music. I think that era is likely over.

In my part of the country it is 180 degrees opposite. In 99% of the venues you are required to play ONLY music the audience knows.


I could snap a picture of my CD collection for y'all, and I've got my 70's rock in there, almost nothing but U2 from the 80's, fusion/jazz from the 90's, and more and more new folk rock from time periods after that.

Again becoming generational, but also possibly just ME and my generational perspective. I have one iPod Shuttle (the green one - green like an apple) that is 100% Beatles. The other one (the silver one - silver for no reason) is all funk and soul. I rarely listen to anything I consider "corporate bow down to the man" bands who just cranked out album after album of music that sounded the same because their contract said they had to produce one album per year. Styx, Journey, REO Speedwagon, U2... they all crossed that line early on. I liked U2 early on, but are they ever going to play anything other than that one groove? I saw a cover band one night do a spoof where they did a song called "I still haven't found the street I am looking for because the streets have no name" where they "intermeshed" those 2 songs into one and it was great, funny and beautifully done. The point is, how sad is it that you can almost overlay one over the other and not notice?


However, lately, I've been absolutely loving what the kids call dubstep

WTF is dubstep? I have steps, but I never dubbed them with any other name than steps.


Probably my favorite group is Deepspace 5 and all of their associated artists. I enjoy the heavy funk of Soulive and Niacin and can't wait to see what twist they will bring with the next releases, all using both old (B3) and new (who knows what they use) technology with NEW songs.

Once again, generational. Who is Deepspace 5 and why do they have associated artists? Niacin? Isn't that a pain killer pill or some nutritional component of milk or something?


the guitarist can usually hold his own with Steve Perry

Did you mean Joe Perry?


Kid had a John Mayer vibe

And you bought his CD anyway? John Mayer should join Kenny G and Michael Bolton on the national Wimpathon Tour. Boy got no soul!!

As Mr Mammal said, it's us old goats that are disappearing, not the scene. I won't venture far from my house to hear a cover band anymore, yet I will drive 45 minutes to songwriter night. I have a lot of friends in copy bands who ask why I never come out, and my reply is the same every time. "You guys are doing the same songs IN THE SAME ORDER that you did when I knew you in 1986! Give me a REASON to come out. Excite me musically. Stimulate my mind." (More importantly, "YOU don't come to see ME at our reunion. Why? Because we play a concert venue and charge for tickets and you play bars with no cover? PS. We sell that room out every year. Playing half originals.") As I said in an earlier post, bands are not really bands anymore. They are just guys who throw together a 4 piece and go wing it. That is not aurally exciting to me to listen to a band that doesn't end songs together because they never rehearsed how they will end a song that faded out in the original. I absolutely HATE HATE HATE sloppy bands. Rehearsal makes you tight. Rehearse. One of the best bass players in town plays in 4 bands. None of them are any good. All of them COULD be if they would focus on one band and rehearse, but there is no pay for rehearsal, so they won't do it. Yet those same guys go to jam night and play free.

Bottom line, people still care about their music, but most care about the money first. I make enough money at my job to live comfortably and music has not crossed the line out of a love for the art and into a need for supplemental income. I am like Mike Holmes. "If you're gonna do it, do it right."

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Hmmm.... not my style, but interesting just the same. Kind of a newer version of The Thompson Twins and Howard Jones 80s techno music.

To look at the word "dubstep", I took it to be something to do with Irish clog dancing. "Dub" from Dublin, "step" for dancing.

This is more for me.

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I hadn't heard that in a long time. It went straight to my "Funk" folder on YouTube.

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AWB was my BAND. Listened to that band non stop. Hamish Stuart, Robbie McIntosh, Malcolm (Molly) Duncan, Alan Gorie, Onnie MacIntire, Roger Ball.... bunch-o-funky white dudes!!

Songs like that, the kind that make your feet tap and your head bob without you even knowing it... that's what it's about for me.

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Eddie, you ARE being particularly grumpy. John Mayer, like it or not, has some of the best Stevie Ray Vaughan chops around. I don't make that comparison lightly. His pop stuff doesn't show it, but have you ever heard his blues/jazz trio?

Just because he also can pull off pop fluff doesn't mean he has no soul.

Here he is trading licks with BB King.

Austin City Limits (put a funky hat with feathers on it and rewind 20 years and what would you possibly have?)

Live Lenny (sorry the screaming is kind of loud)

I have major respect for Mr. Mayer's songwriting capability, his ability pull off smoking blues and have live performance chops like this. All the while still doing the pop thing as well.

I guess perhaps it IS generational.

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Also, I think you might actually like Niacin: Billy Sheehan, Dennis Chambers and John Novello.

Here's one where they added Steve Lukather and Glen Hughes.

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Okay, look, I am not saying Mayer sucks or anything and nobody is telling you to not like him. He isn't for me. That soft and airy voice is not my style. I can't get past the coffee house goon-ness of Waiting for The World To Change and Gravity. A little too, um, "delicate", for me. He comes off a little light in the loafers. I also get tired of the social climbing aspect of him chasing nothing but high profile women. And then the whining when Taylor Swift wrote a song describing what a d-bag he is.....

He sounds to my ears like he is trying to be Dave Matthews with the nasal whining tone and phrasing, and we already have one of those. Yes, Mayer is a fine player and if you like the hippy-esque writing about how "we need to make the world a better place" (which has been done to death) he is fine. I am just saying that he would never get my ticket or CD dollar. I'd buy a whole lot of things before him. I have a friend telling me how great Joe Bonnamassa is. Well, okay, that's fine. Blues players like that are everywhere, including local bars in Cleveland. There are about 5 here in town that I'd toss in the hopper with any of the national guys. Mayer has a lot of "pretty boy" going for him and that helped.

This is not a "Can you do any better" argument. Remember, "better than me" doesn't make someone anything. I suck anymore. 20 years ago that was not true, but all that time away... The thing that DIDN'T happen is that I didn't lose my ear or my knowledge. I just lost my physical skills, and the arthritis in my hands keeps me from getting them back. I physically can't really grip a guitar neck any more, and I have little agility on the keyboards or sax anymore. Sad to say, but this may have to be my last year of playing in the reunion shows. When it gets to where I am hurting the band, I am out, and one more year of joints being affected by the arthritis may be huge.

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The aoaband sports a pretty impressive play-list. And for what it's worth I have no problem with listening to a good cover-band, but hey I will listen to all "good" music.

Also regarding music venues in my area of South Louisiana and the Mississippi Gulf Coast there is no shortage of places to play. In fact I am seeing more & more small restaurants and bars offering live music two – three nights a week than ever before. IMHO the biggest issue is that most musicians will play for next to nothing.

With this in mind, and as much as I like the feel of a rocking club, I must admit the corporate gigs are the most appealing of late.


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However, lately, I've been absolutely loving what the kids call dubstep, even though what passes for that term today doesn't match it's namesake music. I don't care, it's today's version of synthesizer music with lots of playful and creative use of filter sweeps, stacked synth layers, etc. Makes my brain come to life. Quite a bit of odd-time sequences played over even time signatures. One could even call it experimental, but it's popular.

Very interesting Scott, you just solved a small mystery for me. I've been following a thread on the Kurz forum about their highly anticipated ROM expansion chip for the PC3. Supposed to have been released the beginning is this year but it's been delayed. They posted some demos of it and one of them caused several people to rave about it calling it dubstep style and they can't wait to get their hands on it. I had no clue what they were talking about. I just Googled dubstep and found a site with a bunch of acts on it. One is called Modestep. The one song I listened to sounds like a cross between strong techno dance your ass off rhythms and the soundtrack from Transformers. Lots of sound effects with synth sweeps, growls and stuff. Kind of interesting actually. Don't see myself playing it but I can see the appeal and I certainly see the creativity there too. Somebody actually has to sit there and figure all those sounds out and how to put them together.

This is probably the wrong place for this but just for you Scott, here's the demo and this isn't just a collection of sounds, it's an actual playable Setup the the user can easily change up and save:

Dave Weiser is in R&D and is internet face of Kurzweil.


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Also, I think you might actually like Niacin: Billy Sheehan, Dennis Chambers and John Novello.

I liked these guys sound - but it did remind me of this scene where a rock band takes off on a Jazz Odyssey :

David: What are we going to do, we've got nothing to play here...
Derek: I'll tell you what we're gonna have to do...
David: What?
Derek: Jazz odyssey!
David: We're not going about to do a free-form jazz, uh, exploration in front of a festival crowd!

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When dubstep was first called that, it was supposed to be a combo of 'dub', as in the triplet delayed effect stuff with dance-hall 2-step. Regardless, I enjoy listening to what they now call dubstep.

Regarding Niacin, I don't think much of their stuff is free-form jazz. It's all quite rehearsed.


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Ci siamo dati da fare e abbiamo aggiunto oltre 50 nuove funzionalità e una straordinaria raccolta di nuovi contenuti, tra cui 222 RealTracks, nuovi RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 3, Playable RealDrums Set 2, due nuovi set di "RealDrums Stems", XPro Styles PAK 6, Xtra Styles PAK 17 e altro ancora!

Tutti Pacchetti | Nuove Caratteristiche

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 French for Windows is Here!

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 apporte plus de 50 fonctions nouvelles ainsi qu'une importante de contenus nouveaux à savoir : 222 RealTracks, des RealStyles nouveaux, des SuperTracks MIDI, des Etudes d'Instruments, des Prestations d'Artistes, des "Morceaux avec Choeurs", un Set 3 de Tracks Jouables, un Set 2 de RealDrums Jouables, deux nouveaux Sets de "RealDrums Stems", des Styles XPro PAK 6, des Xtra Styles PAK 17 et bien plus encore!

Tous Packages | Nouvelles Fonctionnalités

Video: Making a Song with Band-in-a-Box®, ChatGPT, and Synth V

Take your Band-in-a-Box® project to a whole new level when you incorporate ChatGPT and Synth V to add lyrics and vocals to your song!

We wanted to demonstrate how this is done with our video, where we show you how to go from nothing to a finished "radio ready" modern pop song by combining the features of Band-in-a-Box®, ChatGPT, and Synth V!

Listen to the finished song, so you get a listen to the finished product:

If you like it, watch the video. Either way, let's hear your comments!

Henry Clarke: Revolutionize Your Band-in-Box® Tracks with Regenerating Function

One of the new features added with Band-in-Box® 2024 is the Tracks Window, which will look familiar if you've worked with other DAWs.

Henry Clarke explains why he loves the Re-generation function within the Tracks Window in their video Revolutionize Your Band-in-Box® Tracks with Regenerating Function.

Watch video.

Learn even more about what the Tracks Window can do with our video Band-in-a-Box® 2024: The Tracks Window.

User Video: Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box®

The Bob Doyle Media YouTube channel is known for demonstrating how you can creatively incorporate AI into your projects - from your song projects to avatar building to face swapping, and more!

His latest video, Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box, he explains in detail how you can use the Melodist feature in Band-in-a-Box with ACE Studio. Follow along as he goes from "nothing" to "something" with his Band-in-a-Box MIDI Melodist track, using ACE Studio to turn it into a vocal track (or tracks, you'll see) by adding lyrics for those notes that will trigger some amazing AI vocals!

Watch: Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 German for Windows is Here!

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 für Windows Deutsch ist verfügbar!

Wir waren fleißig und haben über 50 neue Funktionen und eine erstaunliche Sammlung neuer Inhalte hinzugefügt, darunter 222 RealTracks, neue RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, abspielbare RealTracks Set 3, abspielbare RealDrums Set 2, zwei neue Sets von "RealDrums Stems", XPro Styles PAK 6, Xtra Styles PAK 17 und mehr!

Paket | Was ist Neu

Update Your PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 Today!

Add updated printing options, enhanced tracks settings, smoother use of MGU and SGU (BB files) within PowerTracks, and more with the latest PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 update!

Learn more about this free update for PowerTracks Pro Audio & download it at

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