No, I don't make money off Amazon. Not that I know of. I don't even know who is selling it there and if I would get any money. I've seen this CD on sale online for $40 .. by an individual I didn't know. Like anyone would give $40 for it ..
Don't buy it, PM me if interested, but listing is here -

My whole point is -

We sold way more CDs at shows than online or in a store.
We also promoted the whole thing heavily. You have to do the work if you are going to release it yourself, and even then we sold more at performances by far. Any online sales usually were triggered by a performance somewhere.
The reason we got any airplay was because we were promoting the show, the cd release, and bought commercial time to generate some interest. We also showed up at the studio and schmoozed. Then have a couple people call the studio showing interest in this new band, asking for details .. before you know it they think something is happening in the area and they got the inside scoop.
Don't forget to send a note later to tell them how successful it was and thanks.

Think of everything you can to generate interest and do it.

If you want a copy of CD PM me and I'll see how many are left. We stopped making more copies at least 5 years ago on this particular CD though. That's why I'm so surprised I can find it so many places! I haven't looked for it in years. Recorded about 6 years ago (2nd CD we did, and the first was better but with no promo effort I can't find that one anywhere online). Band stopped playing about 4 years ago. Website dead, all gone.
/searched band name at Amazon and see our first CD is listed but 'not available' .. dang I'm missing sales!

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome