Joe, BiaB is such a useful program for quite a few different uses, quite often is the case where other users can get myopic about the intended use, not always a fault either if the OP hasn't stated what their exact idea of use is supposed to be, well, we will jump in there and offer advice that may apply to one of the other aspects of the program. Such as making Recordings rather than Live use.

When I played live gigs using BiaB as the other two members of my Virtual Jazz Trio, I made sure to also prepare some songs to play that were just me, by myself. Some had vocals, others were unaccompanied Ballads, a couple unaccompanied Show Tunes in a sort of medley, a handful of pop songs that lended themselves to that kind of performance, etc.

Interspersing those with the backing tracks songs made the statement that the performer was not dependent on having to use backing tracks to play and entertain, plus relieved the monotony as well.

The idea of footpedal for drum is rather intriguing, if the performer can pull it off well, why ot have a go at it? I would want to avoid the "one man band" appearance, though, as if such was not used tastefully and well it could easily begin to take on the appearance of the old time one man band act with electronic footpedal substituted for bass drum and hihat.

Audience perception of BiaB use can indeed be disappointing in the sense that most will not take the time to understand the concept of "autoaccompaniment" software that plays a slightly different performance each time it is loaded and Play button is hit. Which is why I prefer using BiaB for accompaniment rather than a fixed sequence that is identical eery time. Others around here want the fixed accompaniment and therefore use static performance files worked up in RB, PT or one of the many other great DAW sequencing softwares and that suits and serves their act well.

Developing YOUR act along the parameters of what YOU desire to do, tempered well with the self-policing aspect that filters out what doesn't work well or present well by changing things that don't work, adding things that do, etc. is what I think you are after here. And that's not a bad thing at all.
