In my opinion, the heyday of music performing opportunities had very little to do with businesses hiring bands to help their businesses. Although that did happen, the bulk of my performing opportunities came from another source:

There was a sea of postwar youngsters who had time on their hands, and society was trying to figure out how to keep us out of trouble. As I recall, most of the gigs I played were sponsored by organizations, not by businesses.

<broken record>

Which is why I think the phenomenon will repeat when that same group hits retirement and has time on their hands again. From a sociological point of view, what do you DO with a large demographic that needs activities?

Several of the performing musicians in this forum have pointed out that rest homes typically have a budget for entertainment. This is consistent with the past... organizations sponsoring ways to keep a group occupied.

IOt's also worth noting that such gigs are among the few PAYING opportunities that consistently show up in lists of venues that are available these days.

</broken record>