I've been asked to give an update on my health. The Mark Twain quote above sums it up perfectly, thanks Mark. I have too many wonderful blessings and exciting "haps" to exit stage left" just yet. I have but two rather simple requests: 1. To live long enough to sing again, and 2. To take all of you wonderful people with me when I go. Your combined positive thoughts and prayers have tremendous power so I petition them now, please.

I have a very serious viral infection lasting many weeks and draining my strength which has led to secondary infections that are pulling me down even more.

I sincerely appreciate the wonderful work that Bob (aka 90dB) has done on the joke topic so, I happily pass the baton over to his loving hand.

Now that I've sobbed and laid my heart out for all to see, I had better "exit stage left" or risk being thrown off. Knowing the Oyrish div'lment in me wee self, I may outlast y'all. Who or whom knows.

I have asked a dear friend to post when/if I do "exit stage left."