Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker

Evolution really isn’t even debatable at this point. It’s a simple fact based on ALL scientific and physical evidence. That’s not my opinion. It’s the opinion of 99.9999% of scientists across the world.

Old Earth also isn’t debatable. It’s a fact. The only question is how old. Most scientists say the Earth is about 4.54 billion years old and the universe is about 13.8 billion years old.

Could they be off by a billion or so years one way or the other? Yep.

Does it fit with Creationism? Nope.

Do you accept these Truths? If not, then you’re not searching for Truth.

Maybe I HAVE done the required homework, and have found out some things.

Polonium Halos embedded in granite found around the world. Look it up.

Is the Speed of Light Constant?

The "Little Grand Canyon" at Mount St. Helens

Coalified Trees in the vertical, reaching between what your "science" claims to be stratified layers that they also claim must be billions of years old.

That's enough for now, the real question is if YOU dare to compare.
