

In the above post I did post it already in the wishlist more then 1 year ago. I just now saw it had one positive reaction since! I really don't understand what is not very clear about it. There are several apps that can "transpose" chords. There is NOT one app that can "transpose" the music notes. And the whole world is waiting for it. But to do that you need a standardised input format. I'm not sure but the BB format is well known. BB does contain this "transpose" function for music notes. So:
1: Creating a simple app that contains (only) the possibility to import the BB file format including the "transpose function" and which includes an PDF export (and read) function will make it possible for any musician to transpose "on the spot".
2: By creating this many people will start using BB on their PC, even when it is not their favourite program to write music, so why are they waiting? This will boost the use of BB.

Musicians and music publishers are still wasting too much paper...come on men we live in the digitised age...Wake up!