Originally Posted By: rharv
They did have many Ampex machines there. I think every one I saw was Ampex.

The Ampex machines were later installs, after Ampex got their you know what together.

The original setup was done by sel-syncing two or more three trackers.

Noticed multiple old Fairlight pieces in the rack stuff too.

The Fairlight mic preamps that were the first viable solid state mic preamps, which everyone else in the industry loathed. Stevie Wonder LOVED them for his voice work. I think that they were modified by inhouse engineer. There is scuttlebutt to that end, anyway.

Regarding the floors, they did mention they intentionally left the old lino floor in the control room, as so many great producers had wore it out stamping the beat. Kept some of the older furniture.

Another bit of lore, the engineers had to redo EQs and such after the linoleum was installed over the original dirt floor. Seems that changed the sound of things and maybe not for the better until they did their engineering magic.

Not sure if it happened before or after Scott went, but the Steinway grand is back. Paul McCartney had a private tour one night and offered to cover the cost of having it restored by Steinway. They said it just got put back in the studio after being gone a while for restoration.

Cool. It has amazed me from time to time what Steinway can do for their older pianos. I used to play a rosewood cabinet Steiny in a church down here that had that treatment and, wow.

It was fun and I'm still thinking about it off/on today. Amazing way for so many great artists to get a start.

Yes, indeed, amazing. Just be aware that working for B Gordy Jr. also had a dark downside to it as well.
