
Thanks for the offer but I politely say no thanks. I have enough trouble with the 4 A4 boxes each almost full of lyrics. Some unfinished and some ready to record as songs.
Most are little vignettes of my life and so the lyrics/words and tunes will stay unique, personal to me cool as my posts recently have shown.

I write my songs to escape from life but my life is in the songs.

One lingering memory of the class was I forgot to find a favourite poem to recite so I instead said a poem my Dad told me when I was very young. It cost me a week of detentions!!

Teddy Bear sat on a chair,
with ham and jam and plum and pear,
this is queer, said Teddy Bear
the more I eat the less is there.

The laughter was as intense as my blushes blush

Keep up the good work
