Hi Floyd. Thanks for the positive words. I deliberately made the vocal a bit harsh and edgy. Here are the lyrics. I typed them out for my biggest fan (my mom) so I copied them for you. Take care. Greg


She’s got her favorite blogs, sites where she goes when she feels alone
Every app she needs, she’s got the whole world inside her phone
Her Facebook fifty friends, the party never ends
The information super freeway, buy it now on Ebay, you’ll always find it there
Forget the brick and mortar, who needs the world disorder
When you’ve got the key to another world
Livin’ fast and free, a virtual girl

It just blows her mind how those in the past could stay entertained
Transistor radios, family shows and those outdoor games
If you dare to dream it, download it or stream it, it’s all here on the web
Your villains and your heroes come down to ones and zeros
She points and clicks her way to another world
Livin’ fast and free, a virtual girl

Reality seems to be such a complicated thread
So she’d rather be livin’ life in her head

When she’s feeling deep, looking for something that’s more sublime
It puts her soul at ease to know you can even find God on line
Virtual and single, log on to Christian Mingle, find God’s match for you
I’m spiritual and female, send photo and an email
There’s nothing she can’t do in the virtual world
Livin’ fast and free, a virtual girl