Hi John
Its amazing what we can now achieve in our own homes. Compared to how it was in the 70's, when Studios has the Monopoly on recorded music, we can make it sound like WE want it to with all those expensive sonic toys at our fingertips.
Great track, John.
Interesting all the way through - pumping Bass, great sounding guitars and on the money vocals.
ps - did you use a Harmoniser to get those harmonies on the guitars at 2.34 - 2.50?? Great sound is that!!

Last edited by sixchannel; 01/21/14 12:48 PM.

Old Guys Rule.The older I get,the better I was!
BB2023 ULTRA, 1013, Win 7 and 10

ALL TRACKS - https://app.box.com/s/501rnzrbadng1elvi45hbf7y08kl5oxp
SOUNDCLOUD-tracks using BB-