It is interesting how each person uses the tools they have. I learn something from each post. Really cool read.

I have to admit the jumping back and forth stuff also make my head hurt, not to mention introducing more opportunity for a crash or breakdown. Still sometimes it is the best and right way, due to workflow and familiarity components.

A couple issues mentioned comping vocal takes, and automation, are so important in the process.

It is so subjective but real that each platform has + - in these areas. Really Sonar, and Studio one kicks RBs, and Reapers Bottoms in this area. Reaper kicks all there backsides in the ability to route stuff and make things happen. Funny thing is all of this is possible in RB. You can comp tracks simply by just doing three or four tracks in a row of a vocal take, then use the volume automation to "cut out" the keepers in the herd. Take that and bounce or export to a wave file and your done. Certainly not as fancy as Sonar, and Studio one's comping feature. But it does the same thing in the end. I hope PG does some upgrades as time goes on so RB has a few of these features. Automation is no where as good as the other three mentioned, but it does work.

For me personally the time saved in the fancier DAWs is lost in the time it takes to move back and forth. So for me to jump out to another platform I need to have a reason that is more than that. One for me would be wanting to do some tricky automation, of some very deep audio editing. In studio one the integration to Melodyne is flawless, and seamless. (sonar X-3 as well)

Still there is true merit to some of the deeper features of the automation, effects, and comping, but even more important is being comfortable in a DAW. Like Herb, and Noel mentioned. A very familiar tool. We are so fortunate to have such capable and fun tools to work with, it was not always this way. So cool to read about all your techniques. Thanks guys

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.