The "Band in a Box" FAQ page on this website is a very good place to go when needing to find out a host of issues as concerns many things. There are also RealBand and Powertracks FAQ pages as well.

Use "ctrl-f" in your browser to Search the page rapidly for a term.

In this case, I typed in, "harmony" and used the down arrows until it got to the following tidbit that you are looking for:


156. How do I print harmony parts with Band-in-a-Box?

You first need to 'convert the harmony' to the Melody track (or Soloist track if you are using a Soloist/Thru harmony). This will write the harmony permanently to the track so that you can see the notation. To do this, you can go to the Harmony menu and select Convert harmony to .. Track. In Band-in-a-Box versions 12 and higher, there is a feature that allows you to display and print individual harmony parts. Here are the basic steps. After you have chosen the MIDI harmony you wish to use:

Open the Lead Sheet window and click the OPT button to open the Lead Sheet Options dialog.

Press the [Convert Harmony to Track] button.

Choose the harmony part you would like to view/print, from the 'Show Harmony Voice' pull-down menu.

Press the [Print] button in the Lead Sheet window to print out that part.

Band-in-a-Box 11 and earlier do not have the ability to print individual harmony voices separately, however one thing you could do would be to save your song as a MIDI file (making sure that 'MIDI File Harmony on Separate Tracks' is checked in the MIDI File Options dialog), then import the MIDI file into PowerTracks Pro Audio and print it each track separately from that program.

There is a link to the PGMusic FAQs pages located at the bottom of every one of my posts here. Bookmark it and learn to use it, many of the things you encounter will already be answered there, for those FAQ entries are taken from these very forums over the years. Why wait for forum replies, get the info you need and continue getting your work accomplished.
