Thanks Ray, toucher, and Stan, for your comments.

Ray- thanks for the info on Walt Street. I'm sure he can karaoke with the best of 'em- a true talent.

Stan- thanks for the kind words. Well, although I've been playing the flute for only a little over a year, I've been a musician for a long time on other instruments (I started on clarinet in 5th grade, circa 1965!), and as you probably know, there are a lot of musical skills which quickly transfer to a new instrument. An Am7 arpeggio is still an Am7 arpeggio, whether it's played on a trumpet, flute, or bass. Each instrument has it's unique problems of tone production and fingerings, of course, and that's the main challenge, I guess.

Plus there are differences in the function of different instruments in a given genre. But it's all music. I think playing several instruments gives one a broader perspective on music overall, because you come to understand each instrument's function and contribution to the whole, as Mac alluded to above. Know what I mean?

toucher - glad to see you on MySpace, too. Yes, we may be on the dinner club circuit, eventually. Thanks!


Visit the Elegance Music page on MySpace for samples of my current work.