Tom and Janice,


Where to begin?... Solid write. "That old big muddy runs through our very souls" - What a great line! "maybe I missed the message..there’s an angel flying next to me" - love it. "Trying to believe what I already see" - doesn't get much better than that. And what a perfect melody to carry it all!!!

Janice - you always sound great - and this may be your best ever! Pure soul! Singing is about feeling and expression - this is it - nailed!

Tom - your playing - both guitar and wah wah steel - just as soulful and lyrical! You seem to step it up a little more with each new recording.

Excellent drum sound! The guitars are all right where they should be. I seem to be a piano crusade lately - I think it needs to be up more - prouder...

The choir loops are COOL! Why don't we have those in BIAB??!!!

One of the best things to ever hit the forum.
