Hey Tommy and Janice,

The moment the introduction started the thought "now that's what I call classic Tommy Adams" launched itself into my head. I sat back, smiling, let the sound wash over me and knew that I was going to have a great journey. I couldn't stop thinking about how the quality of the production was so very professional, through and through. While I was sitting there trying to work out how to get such an awesome sound, Janice started singing ...

... I nearly fell off my chair. I mean, I was waiting to hear Janice sing, because I knew she was going to and I'm a huge huge fan, but I didn't expect to hear what I heard.

Janice, I have never heard you sing better. You nailed every nuance of the words, the music and the style. WOW! Tommy, your arrangement and your playing are first class. Another WOW!

This song deserves to be on mainstream radio. The production is studio quality all the way.

I'm a little bit awestruck right at the moment!

All the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024