Hi bluage,

That's very strange. RT #1659 sounds the same on my system whichever track I put it on.

Does the solo guitar (#707) sound ok on the String track? If so, I'd be switching the Guitar with the Organ.

I have say that I'm pretty puzzled by the fact that the Organ is fine on one track and not fine on another. It's possible that something has locked into place with the file.

To try and unlock it ...

Try going through the steps in my above post but when you get to point 3 in the post, try setting the "Timebase" to Double Time (instead of Normal Time).

Close the window and generate the song. Does it sound different?

Now try going to the Realtrack Picker again following the steps in the above post and then try resetting it back to Normal Time. Close. Regenerate.

How does this sound?

One last thought, is the String track frozen by any chance? (It will have an asterisk beside "String" if it's frozen.)


Audiophile BIAB 2024