Danny, those aren't 'musicians'. There is another word for them, but since this is a family-friendly site, I won't use the term. grin

I don't think that pros are really that concerned with bottom-feeders, whether they are club managers or “musicians”. Decent venues rarely conduct their businesses like that. They know there is a difference between a bottom-feeding wanabee and someone who plays for a living.

What is of greater concern to me is the general state of the business. This Play For Free phenomenon is only the tip of the iceberg. Smoking bans, DUI prosecutions and the internet have killed the club/live music business. There just aren't that many jobs anymore, and the pay is largely the same as it was 30 years ago. I don't have to tell you that. Adjusted for inflation, we're making less now than we made in the 70's.

This has created a real dog-eat-dog atmosphere out there. We actually had another band jump our booking last week. Cost us $300. Sure, we got more bookings from the club, but we can't recover that 300 – it's a loss, and we had wasted a booking date.

For those who assume that music is “just like any other business”, I would strongly disagree. In what other business are you fired the minute you get hired, uncertain of payment, frequently robbed and have to deal with unscrupulous club owners and other musicians?

Play for free? Sure, at a VA hospital or for the charities you mentioned. For a club? Not bloody likely. grin