
Finally got to hear the Carlo tune. Definitely got the Santana vibe down. And as others have pointed out, the backing tracks are pretty top notch - don't know if you are generating those in RB or elsewhere, but very nicely done.

I'm trying to think of some other guitarists you would dig. Your tastes run right along those of an old college roommate who turned me on to Santana and Jeff Beck and SRV.

I think you'd probably like Craig Chaquico's solo stuff of the past 10 years or so. And you certainly already listen to Larry Carlton and probably Steve Lukather. Larry and Steve have collaborated at least once - I don't have that disc but my Independence Twp library has it. You might be able to check it out on the Michicard system.

On the smoother jazz side of things, have you ever listened to Doc Powell?

More rockin but with creamy distorted melodic leads you should check out Dimitar Nalbantov www.nalbantov.com He's got several song snippets in high quality MP3, and some pretty cool instructional videos on his site that might give you some additional lead flavorings.

He does go for the distorted Ibanez thing ala Satriani and Vai, but I think his songwriting skills are much better than the two of them put together. He really knows his effect chains and how to employ them to interesting musical results.