Originally Posted By: PgFantastic
I have never understood this thing with songs, it is stupid in my opinion to ask money because someone sings a cover song; why the different agencies demand money for people singing in clubs and the like.
Just my opinion: unless you record it and sale it; then it should not matter if you sing it, and that goes for any song whether it is the latest hit or something from the 20's. There is a difference between a true professional who records another singer or songwriters song and makes money from it's sale (and by this I mean an artist signed to a record label) not just a bar or lounge singer who might get paid to perform. Now if the band in the bar records their show and makes a CD or dvd and sales it, or has previously made cds with cover songs to sale then yeah they need to pay. But If I sing a cover song here in Ky, It is not effecting the original performer and songwriter one bit, I have not robbed them, it has not taken any money from them. Now if I record it and start selling it, then I believe the royalties should be given them just like any professional artist would have to. Next thing they will be asking carpenters to pay royalties each time they use their name brand hammers, LOL!

Of course it is the law so we have to go by the rules no matter how ignorant they are.

You might feel differently if you were the owner of the copyright. The cover band, club owner, wait staff and everyone else making money at the venue are making money off the song.

The song that the writer has written, demoed, pitched and contracted to a publisher who has re-demoed, produced, shopped, promoted and contracted to a record company, etc.

99% of songs produced do not even recoup the expense of producing them. The 1% that are “hits” sustain the entire industry. Should they be offered for free, when everyone else down the chain profits from them?