Originally Posted By: PgFantastic
That was a very verbose defense of what is basically theft.

I believe 90 db if you re-read my original post on the subject I clearly said it was my (opinion) that the copyright laws concerning paying to just sing a song are not right, I stand by that, you see it the other way and that's fine. I was not in any way saying folks should break the law as In both post I made it clear that the law is you pay; and that the law should be followed. I did however say the law should be changed; as it is not written in stone like the one about stealing you quoted from the Holy Book. It would not be the first time men had to change a law. Check out sometime all of the amendments that even one law can have. It will probably never change though due to greed.

You spoke of performing at a place with 7 day a week music and it is booming, sure there are many that are, many are rolling in the dough but look in an old phone book some time and see how many of those kinds of places who offered live music and have went under. I am not blaming it all on paying for music, that would be foolish to think; employee theft is a bigger problem to a restaurant than to the music business. but how many could have been saved without the unnecessary expense and the paperwork required to keep track. And how many have been shut down because they could not pay their dues. How many times do you hear of one of the companies collecting royalties and the artist and writer never receives any money? So where is the money really going? It is all just a bunch of unnecessary red tape; once again in my opinion. It all comes from greed, folks wanting theirs no matter who gets hurt in the process. How many have stopped using live bands because of the expense and the headache required and now offer no music at all (that is the real crime.) Thanks for sharing your views!

It's fascinating how so many people can rationalize theft with platitudes about “greed”. Those greedy songwriters just want their filthy lucre, and don't care about the poor bar owner who operates his bar out of his love for mankind. I suggest you do some research on the hospitality business. The ROI is incredible – if the operator knows what he's doing. Music licensing is just another cost of doing business, and the expense is rolled into the rest of the costs and recouped by the bar's margin.

I did quote the Bible, because I believe it is germane to this conversation. Regardless of how you feel about a law (even one that doesn't affect you in the least), it is the law, and using protected music without paying for it is theft. Stealing. (as in “Thou Shalt Not...”)

Justifying the theft by citing nebulous misinformation does not change the facts. Don't like the law? Work to get it changed; it's a free country.