Originally Posted By: 90 dB
Not enough information. How many inputs do you need? Are you recording one track at a time, or multitracking? Are you married to your Mackie mixer or would you prefer to mix in software? What recording DAW are you using? Just offhand, I would lose the mixer (noisy), but if you can supply more info you will get better answers. Bob

BOLD: first thing I thought of too.

OP...unless you need more inputs the Audiophile 2496 is a quite adequate, above average audio interface.
I've had one for years which is still residing in my old XP DAW but that machine is retired as I'm on an updated DAW with Sonar X3.
I'm still using the now dated Delta44 which works fine for me.

As suggested by 90db I'd mix in the box with the DAW software you are using.
I have a mixer (Berhinger 1622FX)but it's just a glorified patch bay and only use the inputs to track and do not use it in the mixing stage...that's all done in the box.

Good luck....

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 09/13/14 05:46 AM.