Hello David,

First, thanks for your generally positive comments! cool
As for the lyrics:
The general idea I had when writing this was, creating a collage of some famous Cat Stevens lyrics. However this wasn't as easy as it seemed, not in the least due to copyrights issues. I finally decided to write a completely new lyric for this song.
However, I wanted to maintain the atmosphere of the 70s.
Free love was one of the 'hot' items those days. However appealing that might have felt for some people, there definitely was a downside to all of this. The person I'm describing in the lyric, is one of those people for whom "free love' didn't turn out so well. For her spouse it apparently worked (he's still into it) and the 'I' person is trying to invite her to take her freedom as well. Maybe a bit disappointing, but what can we say....life's sometimes trite and boring!

We definitely do appreciate you taking the time to take a closer look at our lyrics and we'll surely take your comments into consideration when writing new lyrics!
Maybe we'll surprise you a next time! whistle

Thanks again,
Rob (and Anne-Marie)

Last edited by R & AM; 10/20/14 09:12 AM.

We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.
