No edges here, but could it be that the files under the ST2.5\Instruments\BB folder are for BB, and the files under IKMultimedia\Instruments\BB are for the standalone SampleTank?

If I understand Jim's post above, this is the reverse of what I think he said. (I could be wrong of course, since I'm a newbie.)

The reason I think this way is that I don't have much space on my C drive, so just installed BB on my D drive. But the BB installer installed the free ST2.5 on my C drive (the default location). I just bought some ST expansion packs, but couldn't copy those big packs on to my crowded C drive.

So I uninstalled the BB-installed-ST25 on my C drive, downloaded a ST2.5 installer from IK, and reinstalled ST.25 on D:\....\IK\ST2.5. Of course this separate installer did not come with the BB-installed ST files, so I had to manually copy over the BB HQ ST files into my new location.

There were 2 copies of the files in my C drive, as was described above. One copy in C:\..IK\Instruments\BB\*, and a second copy in C:\..IK\ST25\Instruments\BB\*. I had no idea why there were two copies.

Thinking (as maybe Jim's post was thinking) that IK\Instruments\BB was the logical place for BB to find the instruments, I only copied that single folder over.

But when I booted up BB, it spotted my mistake, and popped up an error message that said: "Can't find .. in [the IK\ST25\Instruments\BB location]. Solution is to copy IK\Instruments\BB to IK\ST25\Instruments\BB."

And so I did, and BB could find the instruments fine. So I am thinking BB needs the files below the ST25 folder.

Just for fun, I booted up ST2.5 standalone (from my start menu), and it showed all the BB files. So it must also use the files in the IK\ST25\Instruments folder, since I only manually copied over the one folder.