7. The "video windows" bugs.
This new feature is so buggy that it's actually unusable. http://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=273429#Post273429

8. The "Save/Save As" problem
There's is no difference between these two functions in BIAB.

9. The "MGU/SGU bug".
MGU format was intended for songs with melodies, when BIAB was a Midi only program. Since the introduction of Realtracks, the program saves any song with any kind of data in the melody track as MGU, no matter if the melody track is an actual melody or a realtrack. This odd behaviour leds to duplication of files and confusion.

10. The "Custom track names" problem
If you're using custom track names, many windows and dialog boxes (for instance any bar "chord options" window) will still show the old convention (B/D/P/G/S/M/S), wich is confusing.

11. The "User tracks waltzes" bug

BIAB 2024, latest build.