This is interesting. I think DAW's give themselves different audiences. For example obviously BIAB is for composers and to easily build tracks and construct style trials of melody and chorus'. But Realband say vs Cakewalk Sonar Which is buying a sequencer and a music store combined. Sonar comes with 20 synthesizers 6 drum machines and a vacation to different Studios for their mixing consoles. So you are buying a store full of gadgets. Now lexts compare Cakewalk Sonar to Reason. Reason is having those instruments hooked up and gives you examples of what different combinations will do with the combinators. Reasonbanks and Sonic Gold Refill You are buying examples of how to do many things with combinations and these give you ideas of how to think out production. Also there is another sequencer Synapse Orion that is along the lines of Reason it comes with a lot of synths like a wavestation and FM and Porphet and wavetable and a rack of lots of effects but it is not as ingenious as the combinator setups are but I believe it is like Biab a few people operation. It is made in Hungary. Then you have Cubase which is good I guess if you are a guitarist or in a band or want a seperate control room things like that. Reaper which is a sequencer. I would not compare it to Cakewalk Sonar. Which is a music store. I don't think of Reaper as anything more than a sequencer. and Fruity Loops which is kind of like Reason and Synapse. The truth is the prices of everything for what they are is a fair deal. So why not support everyone. I won't upgrade everyone but most of these I have at least bought one version of their product.