Originally Posted By: dcuny
Hi, floyd.

So much to like here! Solid writing with the typical grace you bring to the lyrics. There's a nice interplay between short and long lines that propels the song ahead. I like the way the chorus starts out like a list, which allows repetition of the title as well as setting up an abab form only to have you unbalance things with a pair of cc lines, which allows the chorus to end with another repeat of the title. Slick and solid, but it comes across as natural.

The concept is clever as well, building sympathy for the singer without vilifying the ex and not making the singer sound whiney. She's not a bad person, it's just that he can't let go. Nicely done.

Add to that some great singing, instrumentation and mix and you've got me sounding like a fanboy.

Your style is entirely different than mine, but I'm taking notes and stealing whatever ideas I can! smile

-- David

...and so much to like about your "review". Your thoughts/understanding of what makes a lyric work are good reading - much like Noel's (when he happens by). You hit on a good point regarding the context that you put your "target" in.. The whiny, vindictive, vengeful thing - which can occur often with some writers - is a very bad place to write from. I did a bunch of those when I was young (and whiny and vengeful). They don't work. And no one wants to hear that... Steal away - I may be stealing your thing about the nonsense-syllable-Phil Collins thing to get a lyric started - it sounds like fun...

Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi Floyd.

How is it that no one has mentioned the Eagles yet? Surely I'm not the only one transported back to the days of "Peaceful Easy Feeling" and "Lying Eyes".

This is classy stuff. So many guitar RTs in there and yet it doesn't sound over-produced at all. Everything comes and goes just as it should do and the overall impression is of a band that has played together for many years.

Great vocals as usual and super harmony and BVs which seemed more prominent this time.

We don't mention the mix any more, do we?

And yes, I put it up on the big Tannoys and it ROCKED. ROG.

ROG - Thanks. Always good to know they sound good on the big boys...The Eagles thing was not an original intent - it just happened/evolved... I knew the opening rhythm that I wanted
380:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Syncopated Sugar Ev 102
998:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockLACrispSync Ev 120
...with a simple bass and hard hitting snare gave me that.
The harmonies were much the same as I always do, although I added in some BIABettes with my own. The Oooohs (in the chorus) seemed like the way to go and really start to give you that Eagles thing.
1513:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBrent Ev 065 worked for the song as fills - and it, too, turned out to lend that Eagles flavor (again, unintentional). The solo guitar that I used in the middle (1260:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopShining Ev 120) sounded very repetitive for the outro, so I threw in the slide "echos" to give it some variety - and that immediately hit me like a Felder/Walsh combo.... So it just kept building into a very Eagles-sounding production...