Clever writing....

I'm with Pat... rather than using ACW... just rebuild it from scratch.

That solves another problem... the structure of the song. The breaks between the verses are too long as well as some other structural issues.

I can understand you wanting to keep the original version for sentimental reasons, however, if this is redone right, the new version would quickly become your favorite, and be sooooo muchhhh better.


If you know the BPM of the song....and have a good DAW.... you can rebuild this to a fine song using just the vocal track.... and by editing the vocals and placing them where you need them you could rebuild this into a really good song.

There are 2 songs on my soundclick page that were done in this exact manner..... I built them from the bare vocal track up.... In a World without You and I Know You;re up To It.

Structurally, you have a 4 verse song....with no real chorus like most songs have. However, that's not really a problem in this genre of music if it's done right. What you need to do is cut the time between the verses to practically nothing.... short intro... I'd have brought the vox in at the end of that hot guitar lick..... verse 1 right into verse 2. What I will do is ADD a measure sometimes 2.... you are placing 4 bars between the verses...that's way too long. You lose the drive of the lyrics when you do that. Edit with a DAW can fix that properly.

I deleted a large part of this post....

Of course, this is just my opinion....

And, you can always keep a copy of the original song.....

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.