Originally Posted By: Kajun Jeaux
I'm one of the lucky people visited by Pat Marr. Though he only spent a few hours, by the time he left I felt like I had been visited by a long lost friend. My only regret is he wasn't able to visit longer. If you haven't met him yet you've got a real treat in store. He's a veritable fountain of music theory and has a great feel for the guitar.

Pat, if you read this; come on back when you can, and pack a bag for a longer stay, friend.


Thanks for the kind words Jeaux! It's also very kind of you not to mention that I arrived without making sure you knew I was coming! wink But you and your wife were very gracious and hospitable to me even though I surprised you!

What I didn't know about Jeaux until a few days ago is that he has a professional recording studio which totally blew me away! Jeaux gave me quite a tour of his studio's capabilities and played several projects that clients had paid for. I was very impressed by the "before" and "after" versions of the songs... Jeaux has some magic up his sleeve! He can take something that I would think is already radio-ready and expand it into the stratosphere! He showed me some of his tricks, and now I can't wait to get home & try them on my projects. But I have a feeling my stuff won't sound the same as Jeaux's!

Another interesting thing about Jeaux is that he's one of those lucky people who looks about 30 years younger than he is! In bayou country I have to wonder if maybe he struck a deal with the devil for talent and eternal youth in exchange for his soul wink But even if he didn't strike that deal, he got the talent and youthful look anyway! Jeaux, if you ever make it to NC, you and Mary are always welcome in my home!

When I get home from this trip, I'll start posting pictures, videos and observations from the visits... but for now I can say that this road trip is turning out even better than I hoped! Meeting people in person after knowing them only in a forum is a real exercise in human kindness and sociability. These days, it's asking a lot to invite a stranger into your home. I thank all of the people who have allowed my visit!