When we were writing standard operating procedures (SOPs) we would have someone completely unfamiliar with the procedure or equipment read them and try to run the equipment. We would be with them to take notes so we could refine the SOPs.

When I was writing Lotus 123 or Excel macros I would do the same; that is having someone unfamiliar with the process try it out.

PGMusic should do the same. Have an inexperienced person try to read the docs and then use the program.

When one is so familiar with the program or process it is difficult to write a good manual or procedure for a beginner. Been there done that!

PS - these statements are true for many manuals and not just PGMusic. Trying to find the correct terminology and/or procedure in most all software docs can be a PITA.

My goal this weekend is to move just enough each day so that no one pokes me to see if I'm dead or not.

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware