Man those wedgies must be popular! I placed an order today, and they cancelled it because they were all out of stock!! The store owner personally apologized in the refund email!

And the Wegen picks...
they have an eBay store, and I always like to use that if its available because paypal works so well there.

I selected what I wanted, and even after the unfavorable dollar to pound ratio changed the price from 10 pounds to 15 dollars... the shopping cart doubled it to $30! For one pick!

I backed out and retried several times to see if I could get it to register the correct payment, but after getting the same result 3 times I decided it wasn't me, it was the shopping cart. So I sent the owner an email telling him what's happening. I'll try again in a few days to see if it's fixed.

Both of these picks look interesting to me. Thanks for the heads up, guys!