Originally Posted By: Sundance

This is one of the best written melancholy songs I've ever heard on this forum. Prosody doesn't get any better.

For me, the mix has too much going on in the center which is fighting the vocal impact. It also sounds eq'd just a little bright for the dark mood of the song - but hey mixes are so subjective....

Great song and vocal.

Well done!

Josie, thank you. That is very kind of you.

I'm glad that you commented on the instrument panning. I am experimenting on exactly that aspect of my mixing. I felt that I had fallen into a rut of doubling the guitar then panning them hard left and right and building a mix from that starting point. So I decided to try and brake the habit by doing something that to me is the opposite. A single guitar in the middle (with a slight 10% pan left). I sent everything to a bus where I side-chain compressed all the instruments to the vocal in an attempt to get the vocal to step out.

As for the eq it's interesting that it sounded high to you as I made an effort to emphasize the lows lol! That just go to show how different we all hear things.

Thank you again for commenting.