Originally Posted By: vicarn
You didn't lose anything by changing forums Floyd. :-)
Up to your usual standard in every way.


Thanks, Vic. Not a change - this is my home forum... been here a while... it is as good as they come...

Originally Posted By: dcuny
As usual, a solid production in every respect. I also noticed that you'd placed Janice a bit differently than usual, but it wasn't bad - it was only a bit jarring because it wasn't what I was expecting.

After the chorus, I had a hankering for a bridge where you and Janice might have some back and forth... I guess that shows how much you tapped into that classic "duet" genre for me.

David - always appreciate you stopping by... and always enjoy your comments - you often have a different perspective than most others and I like that... The "back and forth" of course wouldn't happen here because it was not intended to be a duet but a "just shy of duet harmony". I've always been a fan of that. As I mentioned earlier, onr of my favorites is "Faithless Love"
J.D. Souther's harmony starts @ 1:40 and is close to Linda's level...