Many, many times. I followed all instructions to the letter. I successfully downloaded one--and only one--song, after which all other downloads attempted by all the ways listed--browser, Dropbox & Google drive--end in the app crashing and closing. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app a number of times. Each time the same thing happens: the first song I was able to install is the only one that will install after which all others fail. The support tech had one suggestion which was to delete the word "rendered" in the m4a file name such that the m4a and the song file would have the same name. That failed as well. Support tells me that the phone app was developed by a small 3rd party with which PG Music support have no communication. So "there's nothing they can do." Does this make sense to you? I think what mystifies me the most is why they don't enable iTunes file sharing in the app instead of relying solely on WIFI transfer. This would have provided an easy bullet-proof way of getting the files to the app.

Last edited by dkm; 08/06/15 03:01 AM.