If I were buying a tambourine, my decision-making flow chart would go something like this:

1) smack it against your leg. Does it jingle? (Y-N)

... if NO, then don't buy it. End of test.
... if YES, proceed to question #2

2) When you smacked it against your leg, were there sharp rusty projections that tore your jeans and/or punctured your skin? (Y-N)

... if YES, then don't buy it. End of test.
... if NO, then proceed to final question

3) When you smacked it against your leg, did other patrons in the music store seem annoyed? (Y-N)

... if YES, then don't buy it. End of test. Leave the store.
... if NO, it should be safe to buy this tambourine.

standard disclaimers apply. Passing the 3 step test above does not does not guarantee that other people who weren't present while testing won't be annoyed later. It also assumes that the tambourine won't be played enthusiastically in the middle of the night while family members sleep, or used to collect coins from pedestrians on the sidewalks of the world... or any other use which has been shown in previous studies to annoy people.