Dean, there are a LOT of phrases one might use to accurately describe you, but "dumb arranger" shouldn't be on the list.

I appreciate the modesty, but it has the same effect as hearing a giant describe himself as being too short.

In a forum where most others rely on software intelligence to accomplish what you can do with human intelligence, you are in a class by yourself.

And the fact that you not only compose and play all of the instrumental tracks, but you also arrange the parts into one cohesive whole widens the gap between you and most others on the forum.

The whole thing about the BGV, in light of your explanation, is kind of amusing... because it took a software/gear anomaly (the combination of the vocal pedal glitch + the artifacts that go with lowering BGV) to introduce anything at all that could be even remotely described as a nit.

It makes you more human and levels the playing field in a sense, because the people whose expertise is more software related would have fixed that.

You, on the other hand, are all about a good performance, so it must have seemed insignificant to bother with since the BGV was an accessory and not the actual performance.

Bottom line, you have no explanations to make! Your talent and musical knowledge are so firmly established here... if you were a product, you wouldn't even need to advertise.