Latency is most common with MIDI and when using non-ASIO drivers. Processing the midi data in the synth and getting the audio to the speakers in a timely manner takes time. You want that time lag or latency to be as short as possible without affecting the playback in other ways.

If the sound card supports ASIO... and that means native ASIO and not the codecs and wrappers like ASIO4ALL, it's always best to use it.

Wave table is probably the worst thing you can use when recording and playing back music that has synths and needs to be synced. Wavetable is good for playing mp3 files by themselves and that's about it.

It's best to have ALL the inputs and outputs for midi and audio running through ONE interface/soundcard that uses ASIO drivers. When the latency settings and buffers are adjusted properly, that sound card will give you latency that is under 10ms easily and that essentially equates to no audible latency in the speakers and headphones. Many interfaces are capable of much lower latency than 10ms.... some are easily under 5ms.

Using an interface that's USB connected and has ASIO drivers properly adjusted is the best way to get this done.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.