Let's turn it around does Reaper (or Sonar, Cubase, Pro Tools, or...) supply a BAND or accompaniment (i.e., pure BIAB) like function?

Reaper has had a decade to "get 'er done" and give us a band function, so why hasn't it?

Sonar has been around as long as BIAB, and costs more now, so what gives!

Besides this topic, I'm still waiting for the other annual shoe to drop:

"I'm dead in the water, the world is about to end, woe is me, my $2000, 64-bit only, 2 TB sample lib plug-in doesn't work (actually it DOES) becasue PG hasn't given me a 64-bit BIAB host."


Last edited by Larry Kehl; 12/01/15 01:48 PM.