
Some questions to help the forum get an insight into your system and that might help you solve the problem...

1. What version of BIAB do you have? (for example Windows version 2013)

2. Has anything changed with you computer system recently? (for example have you recently changed computers, operating system, soundcard, antivirus software, etc.

3. Have you installed the latest update for the program found at the link below?


4. Have you tried resetting to factory defaults?

Reset is found under the Opt menu and is a good place to start. It will reset your audio/midi setup so it might pay to take a screen shot of that before you reset (or save the configuration file if you have a later version of BIAB). This is always a good place to begin solving problems. Exit and restart BIAB after resetting so that the changes can take effect.

5. Does this happen with every song or one song in particular?

6. Have you checked to see if a chord might have accidentally been added to the last bar?

7. How many choruses is your song set to? Try changing this to "1" and see if it makes a difference.

Hope one of these suggestions helps.

P.S. I use Reaper and it works fine with BIAB.

Audiophile BIAB 2024