Hey Charlie,

Thanks. Here is a question I still don't have answered. I go to file folder with "30 minute styles." I see there are more than 20 in every key. I see they are about 33 bars. I see there are approximately 5 chords in there, like A, D, E7, F#m7, etc.

If I were to play all the way through the "30 minute" template in A with just those chords (that do not cover the pop cadence spectrum, by the way) I would be finished in about 2 and a half minutes at 1 chorus setting.

So why do they call it the "30 minute template." I am truly confused. When I open the 1 hour version I see maybe 4 chords and even less bars. I must say I am stupified and have no idea what this means.

I created my own templates of say 85 bars with all of the major pop chord variations and played along and those seem to work fine.

But again, I have no idea what 30 minute template means in the BIAB template folder. Do you know what they mean by "30 minutes" and if these are templates you are supposed to add chords to?

They just can't possibly be ready to go as they are.

I watched the video and it was self explanatory. But still no explanation of why they refer to it as the "30 minute version" though.

Do they mean "It will take you 30 minutes if you play all of these"???????