Originally Posted By: floyd jane

Nice! Really enjoyed the listen. Nice how the "listen focus" changes as it progresses. A lot of interesting tones happening along the way.

Good mix (The snare is a tad loud for this style of music... and I'm a loud-snare-kind-of-guy... that is a nice snare sound!).

Can tell you spent some time on this!


Thanks for the feed back.. I kind of agree on the drums a little loud, but, it worked out.. I plan on redoing this again at a later time when I have better pedals. Imagine what a Mel9 pedal would do to this! lol

Actually, it didn't take that long at all to create. Real Band was very helpful in that regards as almost all of the song, not counting the intro or the lead part, are just loops that I recorded. The bass line is just the an octave lower of the flute/synth part at the end and again, just a loop. You don't really notice that till the synth starts..