this video has been up a while, so I'm going to wrap up all the remaining replies in one message to keep from bumping it back to the top when there are so many new songsto fill that space...

Originally Posted By: tommyad
Pat, There is definitely a strong Marrtian influence here. The video is insanely good. Your creativity knows no bounds and your sense of humor has some of us seriously concerned for your mental health and well being. It's all so very well put together and produced that there is nothing more to say but "if you don't think that's funny then there is something very wrong with you" Pro all the way, Tom

I understand your concern, and it is not unfounded.

Originally Posted By: SpaceDog
What fun. Nice job.

Thanks for taking time to STOP LOOK & LISTEN... (I feel like a railroad track). But seriously thanks, SpaceDog.. I appreciate it

Originally Posted By: Sundance
Originally Posted By: rsdean

This is AWESOME! Love it! Really outstanding...


+1! LOL!

I was kind of wondering how you'd respond, Josie... since we discussed the idea over a year ago, and at the time I told you I'd probably not pursue it. But when Muvizu came along, it was more than a song idea and I had to give it a shot. (I jes' so BAYUD )Thanks for responding with a PLUS ONE instead of a MINUS one ;-)

Originally Posted By: rayc
A really smooth and together arrangement.
Probably as good a demonstration of how BB makes a package complete as can be heard.
Your capture of your vocal is really, really good. The evenness of levels, the lack of boxiness or room sound etc. makes the vocal clear, intelligible and pleasant.
It'd be really helpful to me to explain your signal chain and processing.
Within you lyrics the meter is consistent and supports the syllables really well, the rhyming hinges on perfect rhymes with only the occasional use of poetic license and the narrative is linear.

Hi Ray, thanks for the kind words... the (vocal) signal chain on this song was a shure beta58 > TCelicon voiceworks > hardware EQ with everything flat except for a boost at 1k > focusrite scarlett 2i4 > real band. The walls in my studio are foam covered, which helps to absorb the ambient echos that generally make vocals sound boxy... but the boost at 1k was too much, and it introduced a tinny sound. That was lessened by the preset I used in Ozone 5 (don't remember which one I used)

regarding the rhymes: words that rhyme perfectly as pronounced in the american south may not even be lose to rhyming in oz, but given the redneck undercurrent, I went wholeheartedly with the provincial rhyme.

Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
This is such a kick!! Really hilarious story. Vocal is perfectly delivered, and the music has just the right feel. AND, the video is awesome-you really have a talent for that. GREAT!! Keep posting some tunes Pat! Take care. Greg

ah, you're VERY kind, Greg... I know what GREAT is, and it's more like what YOU do than like what I do....(your recent projects have been noteworthy (pun intended)) but I really appreciate the fact that you would take time to watch/listen and comment. Thanks for the encouragement

Originally Posted By: jannesan
Very funny song about very inspirational subject smile You have really captured those usual "travel & wine" clichés. I have also written a (blues) song inspired by women's dating profiles and I could write many more wink Fantastic video with a real story line, I hope you can make a sequel one day. It would also be interesting to hear woman's view of the subject.


I like the way you think, Janne... It would be fairly easy to gather material for a whole series of dating fiasco songs... and I might do that at some point... but, for the sake of avoiding redundancy, if I make them they probably won't get posted here. I would REALLY like to see the song/video about the female perspective of online dating... maybe Anne-Marie would tackle that one. ;-)

Originally Posted By: gruverider
I played this song and video to two female co-workers and they thought it was wonderful. They loved the cats!

hey,lawrence... thanks for that bit of "outside the forum" perspective... it's always interesting to hear what complete strangers have to say about the crazy projects we spend our time on. Are either of them double jointed? Just wondering... ;-)

Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Wow, what a fun song! Very much enjoyed smile

And the video is the icing on the cake, very well done indeed!

Thanks Dave... I'm truly glad you enjoyed it, since that's the whole point of the project (mission accomplished)... and thanks for taking time to encourage a fellow forum member. We're all in this together. ;-)

Originally Posted By: musiclover
Very entertaining and very topical Pat, love the video, as I have muvizu myself but haven't tired much with it yet, I can appreciate all the hard work you have done putting both the song and video together.

Really really good and fun to watch and listen to.


thanks Musiclover... I see you posting occasionally on the Muvizu forum,and I look forward to seeing your first animation... until then, keep posting here

Originally Posted By: dani48
Hi, Pat !:))

(Chuckle) !!!!

I don´t know how you do this
but, boy, you´re really a master
at this genré ! One should laugh
and heartily like I did though
there is a sad undertone behind
the laugh !

I hope, Pat, that all is okay
with you ?

I just love your animations !!!


Dani, I just love reading everything that you write... you have such a kindness about you that translates directly into your words... I hope you did laugh, because that was the plan... Thanks for taking time to respond, and I look forward to hearing your next Brian Wilson knockoff. (I was learning some beach boys songs tonight for an upcoming gig, and I thought of you)

Originally Posted By: Trygve Larsen
Wow ! Cannot be much more brilliant then this Pat ! U r outdoing ur self again !

oh, gee, Leo... you embarrass me... but I really appreciate the fact that you took time out of your day to encourage a friend on the forum... and I especially appreciate that this time it happened to be me

Originally Posted By: Tommyc
Almost hurt myself laughing!!!! Gotta git my breathin machine out!!!! laugh

Tommy my friend!! I hope you're kidding about the breathing machine, but not kidding about the laughter!! You inspire and encourage me,Tommy.